A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Sunday 19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day

So I know I am probably being biased but my son has the best daddy in the world! Here is a special shout out though to all those amazing, special daddy's out there. I have always been daddy's little girl and I am very much like my daddy in good (and maybe what some would consider a few bad Lol) ways. One of my small but special daddy memories is thinking of the way my dad used to wrap me up in this huge towel after I had been swimming while on holiday and gave me a huge shake and a hug to dry me off. There is nothing like a hug from my dad!

I don't have anything against single mummy's and seriously respect what you do because trust me I don't think I could have survived without my hubby but I really think the father having role in their child's life is really important. My hubby did all he could to support me during my pregnancy and was a rock during those first tiring weeks when my son arrived. He is such a hands on daddy and loves his son this much..........................................

Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st Fathers Day to Alberto!
    I agree about the hugs your daddy (my uncle) gives, I remember them well too, great big bear hugs!


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