A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Saturday 5 November 2011

Saturday is Caption Day

I'm already half way through my Saturday and just getting this post up! But I'm entertaining the in-laws without hubby...eek! Anyway I figure you all know the drill...what's this photo saying to you? Go on give it a caption you know you want to.........

Now go and join in some more mammasaurus fun! She's a great mum no matter what the ugly trolls say!

Saturday Is Caption Day


  1. Bugger, I didn't think you could see me under here...erm...it was empty when I found it, honest!

  2. Hmmm, not my favourites. Haven't you got any Thorntons?

  3. Whilst they're busy in the kitchen with the wine, I'll make a start on this brown stuff

  4. Who brought these shit chocolates, they'll do but thy're Not godiva chocolates

  5. Now I know what this looks like, but I swear, a squirrel came in through the window and ate them.

  6. You got the chocolates and I get the box? That's not fair mum !

    ps. thank you x

  7. Chocolate box? Tastes like cardboard to me.


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