A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The weekly walk: Loch Katrine

Ok so the title of this post is possibly ambitious...one due to the Scottish weather and well two due to us just maybe flaking. The plan though is that every weekend we go somewhere and do a walk with the little man. If it happens I promise to blog it if it doesn't hopefully I have a really good excuse why it didn't. So this week was the beautiful Loch Katrine easily a great day out. It was the little man's first time to experience a great boat ride on the Sir Walter Scott.
You can decide to just go to Loch Katrine and do the boat ride which is a great morning or afternoon out. They offer a 2 hour or 1 hour boat ride on the loch with beautiful views. Of course my little man was not too fussed about the scenery, he was much more interested in watching the engine in action, looking at the waves the boat was making and just well wondering around.

The two hour boat ride stops on the other side of the Loch at Stronachlachar and it is here that we began our 5 hour walk around the Loch back to the Trossachs Pier. It was a mighty walk and well needless to say we were pretty shattered at the end of it. We have a back carrier which we used and hubby did mention that this length was his limit! The road was maybe not as flat as we thought it would be with there being lots of ups and downs but the weather was mainly dry and actually sunny in bits with beautiful views that distracted us from the pain. We both felt the better for it really and the little man got loads of fresh air and enjoyed being out and about. There is the option to cycle and I guess it is no surprise that that is what everyone else was doing so maybe we might choose that option next time.

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