A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Sunday 18 August 2013

Alone time

I guess the lable that I have most let define me is being a mum. I don't fear the label anymore as much as I used to and find myself quite enjoying it. It sets me so many challenges which actually helps me to face all the other lables that define me, woman, wife, worker, blogger. Yet here I was sitting alone for the first time in a long time and the only lable really defining me is well being me.

Hubby and the wee man started their holiday in Italy  leaving me on Monday night this week. Tuesday and Wednesday I had work and only the strange quiet nights to contend with. I found myself watching rather silly television and not being able to settle to bed in a flat all on my own. Thursday it was a whole day off just for me! I still find myself waking early and thankfully I had a visit to the hairdresser to occupy some of my time. I guess the strangest thing was not thinking what had to be done at specific times as I usually had to work around my wee man's schedule. 

It was a hard but a good few days all wrapped up into one. I really believe just you time is still important when you are part of a family. It was not a huge journey to find myself again but it was just simply about being, having a bit of space to focus on me. The freedom makes me realize how important my family are to me and why I made the decisions I made and how much I love to live and grow with the family that I have while squeezing in a bit of alone time.


  1. Sounds like special recharging batteries time. I hope you are joining them in Italy
    Liska xx

  2. Sometimes it takes alone time to realise how our not alone time is also precious! :)

  3. A lovely post Sabrina, and I sometimes think it would be lovely to have some time to myself, but I know I would miss them too. I hope you managed to recharge your batteries, time to yourself is so important. x

  4. It's important to grab some time like this even if we do find ourselves missing our families. I find whenever I go away that I'm reminded how much I love being a dad and it refocuses me when I go home.

  5. Lovely post! I haven't had much me time yet but I have quite a bit lined up over the next few months. Really looking foward to it but worried too. x


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