A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Monday 9 September 2013

A quiet morning in the park

With a toddler my sign that schools are back is that I am back at work and it's all systems go. Then suddenly I found my working week over and my days off with the wee man had arrived. I felt that lull you get after just having a busy holiday and easily justified to myself a trip to the local park. The second sign that schools are back was that the park was quiet. The wee man is looking all grown up after summer and takes to the park so differently running around with a new found confidence and agility. It should be pretty awesome to see what Autumn has in store for us.

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. I cant wait for autumn! great photos..the parks always fun :)

  2. I do believe the Wee Man has grown quite a bit taller! Lovely photos of lots of outdoor fun at the park and on his bike. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Aw I love the picture of him looking through the binoculars, it's brilliant and he looks so confident on his balance bike. I love the park when it's quiet x

  4. It's great now the parks are quiet, we like it all to ourselves. Looks like he's having a wonderful time.

  5. Do you know I was just about to say, he's looking really grown up! Enjoy that empty park! :)

  6. Beautiful photos and your wee man is gorgeous. He looks very grownup on his bike.

  7. Gorgeous photos as always. Love the balance bike shots, he looks really confident :)


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