A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Monday, 1 October 2012

A little adventure playground

There is a very small park close to us. It has a little play area for children. A small bridge that you have to figure your way across with ropes and giant steps. There is lots of colour to spur on the imagination with bits that turn and bits with beads inside! Of course there is also a little slide which is even more slippery when you have your raincoat on.

It might be little but it did manage to show me how much the wee man is growing up. How every day he seems a little taller and a little wiser. How he is that little bit more determined to do things on his own and how he can make something so small be all that more interesting. Never mind the times when his feet slipped and I thought he was going to fall but he just kept holding on with his feet dangling going "oooooo". I just about resisted the urge to grab him as he continued on his merry little way.

He continued to figure out new ways to explore this little small park with a small bridge that you have to figure your way across with ropes and giant steps. He really is my little adventurer now.

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