A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


 From the very beginning my wee man has always shown an interest in animals. Do you know that a possible future career according to his star sign is a Veternarian? Yes we actually "researched" many different things while I was pregnant wondering what my little bean was going to be like once he popped out. 

Be it animal songs, animals in books, animals on TV or actually real animals the wee man is fascinated. The first "words" he came out with where animal noises. 

He is eager to pat or possibly poke them and will call after them and sometimes run after them.

I think it is fair to say that my wee man definitely has a love of animals.

I'm linking up with See it Snap it Love it with Dear Beautiful Boy


  1. Such gorgeous photos! What an amazing eye for a picture you have ;) having such a cute little man as the subject in each one helps a bit I'm sure as well lol xxx

    1. Thanks, I try. He tends to be my only photo subject these days!

  2. Beautiful pictures. There just something about the one with the cat in the distance that makes me love it.

    Herding Cats

    1. Yes that is a favourite of mine too. Do you see his face? That's him trying to call the cat to come closer.

  3. What a lovely collection of photos. I wonder if he will become a vet!?! We have similar conversations about my little girl.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad we are not the only couple who talk about these things!

  4. Lovely photos - I am trying my hardest not to show my fear of animals to the boys. Animals are just too unpredictable for me!

    1. Thanks! It's hard not to show our children what we are afraid of. I'm not good with heights so any kind of fearless activities the wee man wants to take part in will have to be done with Daddy!


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