A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Jump little bunny

I always say that watching the way my wee man plays is watching him grow and learn. As he gets older the way he plays changes and becomes more complex, adventurous and these days rather daring. Our flat also appears to be getting smaller! The other night it was a good laugh capturing him enjoying his new game...jumping...

I'm linking up with See it Snap it Love it over at Dear Beautiful Boy


  1. Ahhh. Bless him, bouncing up and down. Such a cutie. X

  2. Awww he looks so cute and cheeky in these photos! Bless him! xx

  3. Lovely pictures. He looks like he's having a fab time.

    Herding Cats

  4. He looks like he's having a great time!

    1. Possibly a bit too much of a great time considering he is on the furniture but so was I!


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