A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Animal noises and action songs

So I'm not really worrying about it but I know the wee man is probably not saying as much as he should do. He is getting into it now mind you as he is obviously trying to repeat a lot of what we are saying which you can tell by his intonation and we even have a few new words like apple, car, cracker, aqua, hellooo,  and bye bye. Where his strength really lies though is in his animal sounds and dancing to action songs. 

It all started when I bought him one of these small box of books "my first animal books" from the early learning centre which were on sale. They were great for travelling to Italy to use in the airport and during the flights and he found my version of animal sounds hilarious! Before you knew it he had the animal sounds down pat  and he started doing it with the other books he was reading. The best is when you catch him reading them to himself! I have tried to capture it on film but he always seems to notice and gets a bit shy. If you listen carefully you can hear a dog go bau, a truck go beep beep and the last bit is of him going cock-a-doodle-doo over and over. 

As for the action songs well that started with twinkle twinkle little star when mummy almost cried when he was not just doing the stars but making his fingers do the diamond shape as well (So I can be a bit of a softie).  It seemed then that you could teach him anything. Every Thursday now we go to a book bug group and he loves it and does all the actions to the songs such as "little green frog" "a leopard has lots of spots" and "pop a little pancake". He will spin round and round over and over again to "ring a ring a rosie" if you let him! He has favourites as well and will show you the action for a song to get you to start singing it. At dinner times now he starts waving his arm like a trunk so mummy will go "An elephant goes like this and like that....". If you can't tell mummy is very excited about it all!

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