A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Thursday, 8 November 2012


Bedtime is actually a difficult theme in this household. It's a special time and most times with both mummy and daddy. A time where daddy gets lots of cuddles while mummy fights to get the jammies on! So hubby especially felt that the camera was maybe a bit intrusive. I only very quickly then caught a picture after bath and just before story time. Yes that smiley face is actually a very tired boy who will hopefully soon fall into a calming, relaxing, rejuvenating sleep. After plenty of kisses for Daddy of course!

I'm linking up with See it Snap it Love it over at Dear Beautiful


  1. Ahhh, I love how his hair is all damp from the bath. And he looks so happy about bedtime. I have a little man like that myself, he gets super happy when he sees his pyjamas. X

  2. I love his damp curly hair - he looks so happy x

    1. You know his hair has actually got straighter he used to have loads when he was younger!

  3. He looks so relaxed and happy :)


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