A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Saturday 14 February 2015

The New Arrival

Well it went from looking like she was happy to go full term to surprising me by coming hard and fast a whole week early on Wednesday 4th February. 

On Tuesday night I went to my weekly yoga class and she went through yoga positions during labour. At the end of class the teacher commented on the size of the moon. Yes a new moon I said this baby can so come tomorrow!  

I woke up Wednesday morning not feeling quite right and it was the suspicious period like pain that just wasn't going away.  I told hubby to keep his phone nearby and at 8am dropped the wee man off at nursery and headed into work. An hour later I decided to have a shower to relax a little but suddenly I felt quite intense contractions. After a phone call to hubby he found himself being quickly drawn away from work. Having the yoga positions and breathing fresh in my head worked wonders to help me through those early contractions. Another hour later and we were timing contractions that were regular and strong. We phoned the hospital atad 11am and were told to come in.

It was all too quick and I kept saying that they are going to tell me I'm only a few centimetres.... I was 5. The pool was unfortunately being used so it was not an option for me. The midwife was suddenly preparing for this baby to be born that thinking about pain relief options was well not much of an option. I had quickly reached 10cm and the midwife broke my waters. The midwife was amazing at keeping me calm and more in control rather than simply screaming through the intensity of it all. At 12.30 pm my little girl was born. 


  1. I'm pleased you had a straightfoward birth! She's beautiful, looking forward to meeting her in summer!! xxx

  2. Wow.. Huge congratulations, she is beautiful! And congrats to Big Brother as well! :)

  3. Congratulations on the new arrival - lovely news! :-)

  4. Congratulations on your beautiful new addition! Hope you are all happy and well! xx

  5. thats the way to do it, quick and early, just like my second one...

  6. Many, many congratulations!!!!! So glad it was straightforward too. X


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