A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Tuesday 14 August 2012

See it Snap it Love it: Hidden

The theme for this weeks linky of See it Snap it Love it over at Dear Beautiful Boy  is Hidden. Man I have been a bit busy this week to actually think when I have been taking photos and I'm afraid looking at my recent holiday snaps I have come up with niente/nothing! The wee man though has really grown up for this holiday and I was thinking of the differences to the last time we were here and kabbam I remembered a picture. You see it was Easter when we were here last and one thing my hubby appreciates at Easter time is a Kinder egg not for the chocolate but for what's inside. My wee man was a bit overwhelmed by his huge Easter egg and then was further taken aback to find out that there was something hidden inside!

What's inside the Easter egg?

Why don't you go and check out some other photos on the theme "Hidden"


  1. I always thought the things hidden in Easter eggs were pretty magical when I was a child. How did they get there??? What a great interpretation of the theme.
    Thanks for linking up. X

  2. I'm not familiar with Kinder eggs. What WAS inside?

    1. Oh as it was a big one it was pretty special a hot wheels car along with a track to race on!

  3. awwww look at home! he is to flipping cute! LOL The egg looks bigger then him! Bless. What a beautiful family you have =D

    Im your newest follower & thank you for the blog comment =]

    Lotte xoxo

    1. Thanks for following Lotte and I hope you enjoy the ride! Thanks for such a lovely comment as well xoxo

  4. I didn't know they made Kinder Eggs that big! I always loved breaking the egg open to find out what was inside too when I was younger. Lovely photo :)


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