A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Saturday 4 January 2014

Project 365 Days 1-4

So here I am in the New Year making the very brave decision to really start pushing myself when it comes to photography. It is possibly one of the few hobbies I have really stuck with over the years. I always get teased that I take SO many pictures but then everyone is really pleased that someone has marked the occasion. Granted that usually means I am not in any of the photos but that is another worry really. Hubby bought me a remote and I really need to use it more. So I have decided to join the 365 project over at The Boy and Me. While this project will be a lot about capturing all the small moments and enjoying my son grow and learn I really want to use this project to start turning the dial of the camera and getting out of my comfort zones. Last year I realised flash is not always a bad thing and this year I am hoping to learn a lot more about TV and white balance. So here goes...

Day 1: A New Year walk with the Nonni at Borghetto in Italy.
Day 2: Puzzles with Nonna.
Day 3: Always got lots of cuddles for Nonna. We stopped for lunch at Rifugio Malga Malera during a walk from San Giorgio when we went in search of snow.
Day 4: My wee man has discovered the joys of Pandoro! A famous Italian dessert at Christmas time. The excitement on his face when we bring it out is indescribable. the best bit of course is adding the sugar and shaking it up in the bag and then dipping your finger onto the top when it's opened.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Your photos are always stunning - love the ones with his Nonna xx too cute ;) xx Happy New Year BTW! xx

    1. I'm so trying with the photos thanks! Not sure how we are going to say goodbye to Nonna tomorrow :(

  2. Beautiful family photos, they are lovely. Good luck with the project x

  3. now that desert sounds amazing and right up my street!! xx

  4. I love Pandoro, so much nicer than Pannetonne! The third photograph down is wonderful, did you use natural light in that one?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

    1. I agree I'm not into the dried fruit! Yep I used natural light...hiked up the ISO and hence the blur. I need to work on using light and white balance! Lots to learn.

  5. Beautiful pictures the one of them rubbing noses is just gorgeous! xx

  6. Lovely photos, and your boy has a great smile!

  7. Lovely pictures; what a gorgeous little boy you have :)

  8. What gorgeous photos with Nonna. The family moments are the best.

  9. oh it is so lovely to see you over here and that you will be posting every week. Your boy has the most gorgeous smile too. I think you ahve captured some wonderful family shots this week full of fun and love - especially the nose rubbing one x

  10. Pandorro sounds and looks great! Love these pics

  11. Love your Day 3 picture! It is lovely.

  12. this is what the project is a bout building memories for them to look back on. Love the hugs with Nona, and your sons gorgeous smile his whole face is lit up.
    Look forward to seeing more of your pictures and good luck with the project.

  13. Aww some beautiful family photos! So lovely! x

  14. Those photos are just gorgeous - so full of happiness :)

  15. Hello and welcome to 365! This is my third year. :)
    Love the Wee Man's face helping Nonna shake the Pandoro.

  16. Aw, Nonna looks like great fun. Can you send her here please?! :)

  17. Ooh good luck with your 365 project, can't wait to see them throughout the year. Feel free to link them up to the ordinary moments too. Love the third one down. x

  18. welcome to the 365 club hope you enjoy it as much as i do x

  19. Gorgeous photos, I think I need to try Pondoro, looks yummy :)

  20. Love the idea of this project and your photos are fab - i think i'm too forgetful to join in though! x

  21. What a lovely smile your wee man has! Lovely pictures :)

  22. loving the Nonna themed week bless him he looks like hes having a great time with her!

  23. Such lovely pictures, especially the cuddles with Nonna :) x

  24. Gorgeous photos, your boy has a beautiful smile

  25. Love the last photo, the smile on your little boys face is priceless. Cuddles with Nonna are so special. #365

  26. Good luck with your 365! That Pandora looks interesting...love dessert!


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