A mum and a wife and sometimes just me

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Does my bum look big in this?

The answer to that question my dear readers is...I'm afraid so! Eek! My favourite pair of jeans have just been scraped off my legs and finally been put in the wash. That meant actually looking in my wardrobe for something to wear instead of just dragging a top out that happily fits with my jeans. The problem is that it appears that some of said items of clothing no longer fit without a lot of pushing and squeezing. I know I've been doing a lot of comfort eating recently. I also know that I certainly don't do as much exercise as I used to. I mean I was probably fitter when I was pregnant. I'm not overly self conscious of my body and have never done any fad diets but this time something needs to be done. I head off on my summer holidays in August and part of the plan is to head to the beach. 

It's easy to make excuses as a mum, too busy....too tired...I get enough exercise just running after him. I know that exercise is good for me. I feel so much better after. It's a great way to clear the mind and it's a great way to have just time for me.

So this is it...the ultimatum to myself, said out loud and boldly shared with others...It's time to put a fitness plan into action!  (with only the occasional tea and biscuit...that keeps me sane too after all)

Do you have any tips on keeping fit?


  1. err, I don't think I'm the best person to ask. But I will be blogging about my renewed efforts soon! Maybe you can join me if you really want to!

    1. I look forward to that post and I might just join you!

  2. I know I'm not fat, but I also know that I'm not in good shape and I've gained a few lbs. Eating greasy, but delicious fried eggs, cheese and ham sandwiches late at night are probably not helping. I think having someone to work out with is key (or someone who supports you with a diet). It helps with the motivation. I had a gym buddy for a while and we were doing really well, but she has since adopted a baby and I haven't been to the gym in a month. *sigh*.

    1. A gym buddy is a good idea...but I have no body to enroll :( It's not the late night eating so much as comfort eating for me!! *big sigh*


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